If your suffer from fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic back pain, neck and shoulder tension, migraines, headaches, menstruation cramps, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, hyperactivity, and many other ailments TRY MY THERAPY PILLOW to take the edge off!

PRESSURE THERAPY:  Weighted pressure allows the brain to release neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, to improve moods and induce a calming effect. The weight of the aromatherapy pillow produces what’s called DPTS, or deep pressure touch stimulation. It is described as the “feeling of being hugged”. DPTS works in the same way as a full-body massage. It helps reduce muscle and joint stiffness and soothes aches and pains. (Psychology Today) After thousands of pillows sampled and purchased, the 3 pound weight of the corn bag is the magic number to initiate the relaxation effect on everyone!


  • HEAT: Heat enhances your bodies' circulation and delivers nutrients to your joints and muscles. Heat also gives you a calming effect aiding to your relaxation. 
  • COLD: Cold is best for acute pain by restricting blood vessels, slowing circulation and reducing swelling. It also numbs nerve endings, dulling pain which allows you to become more relaxed.


AROMATHERAPY: Aromatherapy is the practice of using flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being. The inhaled aroma from these "essential" oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function.

DIMENSIONS: The large therapy bag is sized for versatility. (22.5 inches x 7.5 inches) The smaller eye bag is 10 inches x 4.5 inches.

  • wrap it around your neck from collar bone to collar bone to release your tension
  • enjoy it on the length of your back or across your lower back while sitting in your chair
  • lay it across your stomach from hip to hip to soothe your belly or cramps
  • place it around your head to relieve pressure from your headache or migraine
  • relax it on the length of your thigh or knees after workouts or surgery
  • lay it across both feet to calm the tired feeling or swollen ankles
  • lay it alongside the length of an infant


  • Dent Corn: The sugars and starches along with the large surface area allows the corn to retain the heat or cold for hours lending you time for relaxation.
  • Bay leaves: The bay leaves act as a natural preservative to the corn to allow it to maintain it's integrity for years to come.
  • White sage: The addition of sage provides an additional  cleansing and aroma to what many believe is a sacred plant.
  • Fabric: The insulating fabrics are all stain resistant,non-flammable, and many are anti-bacterial allowing for a long lasting and durable product.